Pursuing post-secondary education has become increasingly important. Unfortunately, with this increasing importance has also come ever increasing costs.
In response to this, 2008 saw Bowl Ontario 5 Pin create the Youth Bowling Scholarship Program.Since its inception, the program has awarded over $120,000 in Scholarship Awards, and has become a partner in education to nearly 500 youth bowlers.
One of the great benefits of the Scholarship Program is that youth bowlers who stay in the Youth Bowl Canada program have the opportunity to continuously accumulate Scholarship Awards, and by the time they’re ready to go on to post-secondary education, a significant amount could be waiting for them.
The crown jewel of the Scholarship Program is the Scholarship Tournament, which this past year saw $10,000 awarded to youth bowlers. But this is not the only opportunity youth bowlers have to win Scholarship Awards; bowlers that participate in the Senior Mixed Team Championships, Ontario Triples Team Championships, and Youth Doubles Tournament also have an opportunity to win.
So, if you’re already a member of Youth Bowl Canada, make sure you participate in all events that offer youth bowling Scholarship Awards. If you’re not already a member, find a bowling centre near you that offers the Youth Bowl Canada program, and sign up today to have your chance to win Scholarship Awards!